Films en series kijken

NEEM 1/ NEEM Básico

Level: A1 (Basic)

Videos of the book Nuevo Español en Marcha.

These can be easily understood because it has subtitles. The chapters revolve around the contents of the book but without having it you can see them and practice Spanish.

Spanish Sitcom

Level A1 - A2

TV series to learn Spanish level A1 and A2. Each level has 15 chapters of 3 minutes. The chapters revolve around the lexical and grammatical contents of each unit of the method HABLA. 

Extra en espaÑol

Level: A2 (Basic 2)

In Extra, four young people are together to play out their romances, life crises and contrasting interests in a familiar sitcom setting.  Three of them are spanish-speaker but Sam understands a basic grasp of Spanish. This serie has been wrote very  carefully  so  that  the  language is simple and accessible at  all  levels. The scripts combine wit and a good dose of humor.

Chinguirito de pepe

Level: B1-B2 (Intermediate)

Sergi Roca is an award-winning Michelin-starred chef from around the world. Pepe Leal is the owner of a beach bar considered as a fritanga (snack bar). When Sergi discovers that Pepe Leal is none other than his father, he promises to help revive the business without revealing that he is a son that he never knew he had.